On the Errors of The Trinity

Since its components began to be officially codified at the Council of Nicea in 325 AD, the “Trinity” has been a topic that has caused great confusion and uncertainty for many truth-seeking Christians. This seminar, ...more

Latest Episodes


November 11, 2021 01:19:31
Session 7 - The God of the Old Testament and New Testament is the Same

Session 7 - The God of the Old Testament and New Testament is the Same

The Old Testament reveals God as being supreme, above all other gods. His position of supremacy is repeated in the New Testament. Jesus frequently...



November 11, 2021 01:19:36
Session 6 - Trinity: Mystery or Contradiction

Session 6 - Trinity: Mystery or Contradiction

The Bible is God’s revelation to humankind to reveal truth and bring understanding. Using mysterious explanations is incompatible with God’s purpose. God and Jesus...



November 11, 2021 01:19:13
Session 5 - Arguments Outside of Scripture Used to Defend the Trinitarian Doctrine

Session 5 - Arguments Outside of Scripture Used to Defend the Trinitarian Doctrine

The first three centuries of Christian doctrine embraced the Apostle’s Creed and made no mention of a Trinitarian doctrine. However, numerous church councils in...



November 11, 2021 01:07:15
Session 4 - The Doctrine of the Double Nature of Christ

Session 4 - The Doctrine of the Double Nature of Christ

The cornerstone of Trinitarian doctrine is that Christ is 100% man and 100% God, that is, Christ has two natures in one person. However,...



November 11, 2021 01:18:15
Session 3 - Trinitarianism – A Doctrine of Inference

Session 3 - Trinitarianism – A Doctrine of Inference

Most Christian doctrines are clearly stated in the Bible, but the Trinity is one that is not. Instead, it is formulated from various verses...



November 11, 2021 01:11:43
Session 2 - Trinitarianism Explained

Session 2 - Trinitarianism Explained

This session defines Trinitarianism as “father, son, and holy spirit are three persons with one essence that are co-equal and co-eternal,” and three different...
