This session discusses what Unitarianism is and how it elevates Yahweh, God, as having no equals, as the one true God, and as God alone. It explains that this in no way detracts from the significance of His Son Jesus nor the powerful role of God’s gift of holy spirit. Understanding their harmony and distinctly different roles shows God as supreme, Jesus as His faithful Son, and the holy spirit as God’s power and influence in our lives.
Verses: Deut. 6:4; 32:39; Exod. 20:3; Isa. 40:25; 46:9; Ps. 83:18; 86:10; John 14:1; 1 Cor. 8:6; 1 Tim. 2:5
Teacher: Don Snedeker
The cornerstone of Trinitarian doctrine is that Christ is 100% man and 100% God, that is, Christ has two natures in one person. However,...
The past tense, when describing a future action as being accomplished in the present, is often used to state that Jesus was alive before...
Trinitarians state that the “logos” in John 1:1 is Jesus, who was with and was God from the beginning. However, when Jesus is substituted...