Session 3 - Trinitarianism – A Doctrine of Inference

November 11, 2021 01:18:15
Session 3 - Trinitarianism – A Doctrine of Inference
On the Errors of The Trinity
Session 3 - Trinitarianism – A Doctrine of Inference

Nov 11 2021 | 01:18:15


Show Notes

Most Christian doctrines are clearly stated in the Bible, but the Trinity is one that is not. Instead, it is formulated from various verses and woven into a concept that is contradicted by many clear verses. Many Trinitarian biblical scholars cannot explain this doctrine and profess that it just must be taken by faith. Some go so far as stating that salvation is dependent on believing the Trinity even when no scripture supports this conclusion. 

Verses: John 3:16; 10:30; 2 Cor 13:14; Rom. 10:9-10 

Teacher: Don Snedeker 

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