Session 10 - Names and Titles of God and Jesus

November 11, 2021 01:19:10
Session 10 - Names and Titles of God and Jesus
On the Errors of The Trinity
Session 10 - Names and Titles of God and Jesus

Nov 11 2021 | 01:19:10


Show Notes

There are many names for God in Scripture including Lord, Yahweh/Jehovah, Elohim, and more. Jesus also has many names including Lord, Son of God, Messiah/Christ, and Savior. The holy spirit is called “the Comforter” and “the gift of God.” If God, Jesus, and the holy spirit are co-equal, then the names of each would apply to all the three. This session addresses that this is not the case. Each one is uniquely different but has similarities to the others. 

Verses: Phil. 2:6-11; Isa. 7:14; 9:6; Matt. 1:23; 16:22-23; John 1:1-3; 20:28, 31; Exo. 7:1; 20:1-3; Gen.1:26; 3:22; 11:7-8 

Teacher: Don Snedeker 

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